Battery Level

Shows the battery level of a device.


Name in Jabra SDK BatteryStatusUpdateEventArgs.LevelInPercent
Trigger When the battery status level changes.
Event Subscription IDeviceService.BatteryStatusUpdateInput
Value Range 0 - 100

Code Sample

The code sample demonstrates the event subscription. It shows how to parse the event to get back the data for the datapoint.

using System;
using JabraSDK;

namespace Jabra.TelemetryExample
    public class TelemetryPrinter
        public TelemetryPrinter(IDeviceService deviceService)
            deviceService.BatteryStatusUpdateInput += OnBatteryStateUpdatedEvent;

        private void OnBatteryStateUpdatedEvent(object sender, BatteryStatusUpdateEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine($"Battery level: {e.LevelInPercent}%");