
This section explains, how you can use the C-library to integrate Native Desktop Applications with SDK for Windows.

Jabra SDK for Windows: Native Desktop Application)
The Native Desktop Application addresses the C-library directly.

Initialize the C-library

Initialize the C-library in C like this:

  1. Unpack the downloaded .zip file to a folder on your hard disk.
  2. Set the Partner Key for Jabra Integration with Jabra_SetAppID(...). If not set, SDK initialization will fail.
  3. Initialize the library with Jabra_InitializeV2(...).

Library initialization must be done only once.

Initialization Parameters

Jabra_InitializeV2 API supports for following parameters:

Parameter Short Description
FirstScanForDeviceDoneFunc Function is called when the library has finished the initial scanning for Jabra devices.
DeviceAttachedFunc Function is called when a new Jabra device is attached or the library has been initialized and found a Jabra device.
DeviceRemovedFunc Function is called when a Jabra device is removed.
ButtonInDataRawHidFunc Function is called when new input data has been received. Data is raw HID data. HID Events will per default not be triggered for standard HID. This avoids conflicts.
ButtonInDataTranslatedFunc Function is called when new input data has been received. Data is represented at a higher level of abstraction than the raw HID data.
nonJabraDeviceDectection Detects non-Jabra devices. Can be false if not used.
configParams This is optional configuration. Can be null if not used.

Un-initialize the C-library

After you are done managing your device, you must un-initialize the C-library.

Cases are for example:

  • You want to stop detecting new USB device activities. Reason: You have two applications on your PC that try to access these devices at the same time.
  • You want to clean up temporary files.

Then you need to run the function Jabra_Uninitialize(). This will un-initialize the library and clean up the memory.