DECT Density

The DECT Density is a calculated from several datapoints.

  DECT Density (%) = (100 * DECT sum of measured RSSI) / (Maximum Reference RSSI * DECT number of measured radio slots)

Event Subscription

The required event subscription is:

  • IDeviceService.DeviceLoggingInput

This subscription includes all datapoints for DECT density.


  Data Age
Name in Jabra SDK DectInformationEventArgs.DectInformation.DectInfoDensity.DataAgeSeconds
Description Do not use this datapoint.
  Maximum Reference RSSI
Name in Jabra SDK DectInformationEventArgs.DectInformation.DectInfoDensity.MaximumReferenceRSSI
Description Displays the specified RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator). This is the maximum specified signal strength for all devices in a certain region.
Trigger Measured every 8 seconds if radio is active.
Value Range 0-255
  DECT number of measured radio slots
Name in Jabra SDK DectInformationEventArgs.DectInformation.DectInfoDensity.NumberMeasuredSlots
Description Measures the the number of available radio slots for DECT in a certain region. Example: 120 slots are available in Europe, 60 slots are available in the USA.
Trigger Measured every 8 seconds if radio is active.
Value Range up to 120
  DECT sum of measured RSSI
Name in Jabra SDK DectInformationEventArgs.DectInformation.DectInfoDensity.SumMeasuredRSSI
Description Measures the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from all surrounding DECT devices.
Trigger Measured every 8 seconds if radio is active.
Value Range 0 - 65535

Code Sample

The code sample demonstrates the event subscription. It shows how to parse the event to get back the data for the datapoint.

using System;
using JabraSDK;

namespace Jabra.TelemetryExample
    public class TelemetryPrinter
        public TelemetryPrinter(IDeviceService deviceService)
            deviceService.DectInformationInput += OnDectInformationInputEvent;

        private void OnDectInformationInputEvent(object sender, DectInformationEventArgs eventArgs)
            if (eventArgs.DectInformation.DectInfoType == DectInfoType.DectDensity)

        private void PrintDectDensityInformation(DectInfoDensity dectDensity)
            Console.WriteLine($"Maximum reference RSSI: {dectDensity.MaximumReferenceRSSI}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Number of measured radio slots: {dectDensity.NumberMeasuredSlots}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Sum of measured RSSI: {dectDensity.SumMeasuredRSSI}");