Electronic Serial Number

Provides the electronic serial number of the device.


Name in Jabra SDK DeviceAddedEventArgs.Device.ElectronicSerialNumber
Trigger Device is connected.
Event Subscription IDeviceService.DeviceAdded
Value Range Datapoint provides the length of the string and the string itself. The length of the string is device denpendant. Note: The string is not zero terminated.

Code Sample

The code sample demonstrates the event subscription. It shows how to parse the event to get back the data for the datapoint.

using System;
using JabraSDK;

namespace Jabra.TelemetryExample
    public class TelemetryPrinter
        public TelemetryPrinter(IDeviceService deviceService)
            deviceService.DeviceAdded += OnDeviceAddedEvent;

        private void OnDeviceAddedEvent(object sender, DeviceAddedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine($"Device electronic serial number: {e.Device.ElectronicSerialNumber}");