ErrorType enum

Determines what caused an error to be thrown.


export declare enum ErrorType 

Enumeration Members

Member Value Description
DEVICE_ERROR "device-error" Specifies an error which is thrown when communicating with a Jabra device. This can happen due to several reasons, e.g. device disconnected during packet transmission. Depending on the reason, this could either mean that the operation is fatal or that it might work if attempted again.
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED "feature-not-supported" Specifies an error which is thrown when the specified command/feature is not supported by the device. Example: trying to mute a device that does not have a microphone.
INIT_ERROR "init-error" Specifies an error which is thrown due to incorrect initialization. The user either has not installed the necessary components (e.g. the Browser Extension for Device Connector or the Device Connector itself). Or they have not provided correct arguments when initializing the Jabra SDK.
SDK_USAGE_ERROR "sdk-usage-error" Specifies an error which is thrown when events were not executed in the expected order, e.g. trying to mute a device without having the call lock. These are usually fixable errors and happen due to control flow.
UNEXPECTED_ERROR "unexpected-error" Specifies an error which is thrown and doesn’t fall in any of the other categories.