

Class Description
CallControlFactory Enables the creation of a device with call control functionality. A CallControlFactory is initialized by passing in UC Client information and the core IApi interface. It can then be used to create ICallControl instances.
DeviceId The identifier of a single IDevice.
EasyCallControlFactory Enables the creation of ISingleCallControl and IMultiCallControl objects which offer easy call control functionality on a specific connection that belongs on a specific device.
JabraError Implementation of IJabraError interface which extends the base Error class by adding an ErrorType property.


Enumeration Description
AcceptIncomingCallBehavior Determines the behavior when accepting an incoming call while there is currently another active call.
ConnectionType Specifies how a specific connection to a device is established.
DeviceType Identifies the type of device, e.g. whether a device is a headset, dongle, etc.
ErrorType Determines what caused an error to be thrown.
HoldState Determines the hold state of the device, for the current call.
LogLevel Error severity of a log, i.e. whether a log event is due to an exception, warning, or just an info message. See ILogEvent for more information.
MuteState Determines the mute state of the device, for the current call.
ReportType The type of reports offered by the usage.
RequestedBrowserTransport Optional transport modes that can be requested on initialization. These are relevant when operating within a browser context only. They are not used outside of a browser, where Node is used instead.
SignalType Definitions for incoming signals from Jabra devices related to call control.
StackLayer The stack layer in which the log event occurred, i.e. which module caused the ILogEvent.
TrackingOptions Used by IConfig.tracking to determine the level of allowed tracking of Jabra library usage and errors - defaults to NO_TRACKING.
TransportContext Transport context to determine what mechanism is used to communicate with connected devices
ValueType The type of values that the usage will report or use


Function Description
init(config) Initialize the Jabra SDK. Entry point to being able to control Jabra hardware.
webHidPairing() Triggers WebHID consent dialogue in compatible browsers.


Interface Description
IApi Main Jabra API object. Returned after SDK initialization (see init()). Provides an entry point to reflecting and changing the state of Jabra devices.
ICallControl Defines the necessary functionality for call control:
- being able to start/end a call
- mute/unmute the microphone
- hold/resume a call
- start/stop the ringer on the device
- events for emitted signals from the device, and
- the required call lock for executing all of these functions
ICallControlSignal Represents a signal that is emitted from a Jabra device. These signals notify you that something has happened on the device.

This could be:
- the user expressing an intent to do something by interacting with the device (e.g. pressing a button)
- acknowledgement to a request (e.g. a SignalType.HOOK_SWITCH signal after your UC Client starts a call successfully)
- an error condition (e.g. headset out of range from the base station)
IConfig Optional configuration used when initializing the Jabra SDK.
IConnection Describes the properties of a physical connection that was established between the system and a Jabra device.
IConnectionId The identifier of a single IConnection.
IConsoleLogger Console logging functionality.
IDevice Describes all the properties of a physical Jabra device along with methods for basic device communication via HID or GNP.
IEasyCallControlBase Base interface containing APIs shared between ISingleCallControl and IMultiCallControl.
IHidChannel This is a wrapper for a stream of incoming IHidReports from a device and a callback to output IHidReports to the device.
IHidReport HID report coming from a Jabra Sdk device.
IHidUsage HID Usage.
IJabraError Describes an error that can be thrown while utilizing the Jabra SDK. It has the usual properties of an Error, with some additional ones added.
ILogEvent Describes all necessary information about a log event.
ILogger Interface used to describe an object that can log runtime information.
IMultiCallControl Defines the necessary functionality for easy call control, when handling multiple calls.

This functionality includes:
- being able to start an outgoing call
- signaling an incoming call, answer and reject it
- mute/unmute the microphone
- subscribing to device events
- ending a call, and
- holding/resuming/swapping a call
IMultiInitialState Optional initial state for IMultiCallControl.Used to set the initial state if the device was changed in the middle of a call, or to recover the state after device disconnections.
ISingleCallControl Defines the necessary functionality for easy call control, when handling only one call at a time.

This functionality includes:
- being able to start an outgoing call
- signaling incoming call, answer and reject it
- mute/unmute the microphone
- subscribing to device events
- ending a call
ISingleInitialState Optional initial state for ISingleCallControl. Used to set the initial state if the device was changed in the middle of a call, or to recover the state after device disconnections.
ITransport Internal interface. Do not use.
IWebHidDevice Device object returned by the WebHID consent dialogue

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
TransportId The ID used by the PC to communicate with this device.