ICallControl interface

Defines the necessary functionality for Call Control.


export declare interface ICallControl 


All of this functionality is associated with a single physical device. For every connected Jabra headset, there is an additional instance of ICallControl that is used to manipulate its call-related state and functionality.


Property Modifiers Type Description
device readonly IDevice The single physical device with which the call control functionalities are associated.
deviceSignals readonly Observable<ICallControlSignal> Observable for signals emitted by the device. Whenever the device sends a new signal, this observable will be populated with ICallControlSignal instances for each emission.
onDisconnect readonly Observable<void> Emits when the connection used for call control gets disconnected.


Method Description
hold(shouldHold) Tells the device whether an active call was put on hold or a held up call was resumed.
mute(shouldMute) Mutes or unmutes the microphone of the Jabra device.
offHook(isOffHook) Informs the Jabra device that there's a change in the call status.
releaseCallLock() Releases a previously acquired call lock. Releasing the call lock is the last step in performing call control operations so remember to execute it once you are done with the Jabra device.
ring(shouldRing) Starts or ends the ring effect on the Jabra device. Used to indicate an incoming call.
takeCallLock() Tries to acquire a call lock. The call lock is a unique, per-device lock, and is required to change the device state. Acquiring a call lock must be the first step in performing call control operations.