IApi interface

Main Jabra API object. Returned after SDK initialization (see init()).

Provides an entry point to reflecting and changing the state of Jabra devices.


export declare interface IApi 


Property Modifiers Type Description
_config? IConfig Optional: the configuration that was used to initialize the SDK.
_readyEvents Observable<any> Emits when the SDK has initialized and is ready for operation. The observable will replay on new subscriptions.
_transport ITransport Internal interface. Do not use.
deviceAdded Observable<IDevice> An observable which emits newly discovered Jabra devices. The emitted device object can be consumed by the third party developer. See IDevice for more information.
deviceList Observable<IDevice>[]> A list of connected physical Jabra devices. Each device object can be consumed by the third party developer. See IDevice for more information.
deviceRemoved Observable<IDevice> An observable which emits disconnected Jabra devices. The emitted device object represents the device that has been disconnected. See IDevice for more information.
transportContext TransportContext Get the underlying transport context. Especially relevant when running in the browser to distinguish between WebHID and Browser Extension/Device Connector. See enum TransportContext


Method Description
getChromeExtensionVersion() Gets the version of Browser Extension for Device Connector.
getChromehostVersion() Gets the version of Device Connector version.
getVersion() Returns the version of Jabra SDK.