RequestedBrowserTransport enum

Optional transport modes that can be requested on initialisation. These are relevant when operating within a browser context only. They are not used outside of a browser, where Node is used instead.


export declare enum RequestedBrowserTransport 

Enumeration Members

Member Value Description
CHROME_EXTENSION "chrome-extension" The web application should use the Jabra browser extension to communicate with devices. If the extension is not available for any reason then the library will not initialize.
CHROME_EXTENSION_WITH_WEB_HID_FALLBACK "chrome-extension-with-web-hid-fallback" The web application should attempt to use the Jabra browser extension to communicate with devices. If the extension is not available then communication falls back to using WebHID.
WEB_HID "web-hid" The web application should use the Chromium WebHID API to communicate with devices. WebHID provides limited communication functionality and requires consent from the end-user before device communication is possible.