IMultiCallControl interface

Defines the necessary functionality for easy call control, when handling multiple calls.

This functionality includes:

  • being able to start an outgoing call,
  • signaling an incoming call, answer and reject it,
  • mute/unmute the microphone,
  • subscribing to device events,
  • ending a call, and
  • holding/resuming/swapping a call (unlike ISingleCallControl).


export declare interface IMultiCallControl extends IEasyCallControlBase 




All of this functionality is associated with a single physical device. For every connected Jabra headset, there is an additional instance of IEasyCallControlBase that is used to manipulate its call-related state and functionality.


Property Modifiers Type Description
holdState Observable<HoldState> Emits the hold state of the device whenever that state changes.
ongoingCalls Observable<number> Emits the number of calls currently in progress. 0 means that the device is idle with no calls in progress, while 1 or more signifies the number of calls currently active. Starting a new call - or accepting an incoming call - will increment this counter. Similarly, ending a call will decrement the count until it reaches 0.
swapRequest Observable<undefined> Emits whenever swap request is triggered. This can happen due to interaction with the device (most often the same button that triggers hold) or due to interaction with your UC Client (e.g. pressing a swap button in the GUI).


Method Description
acceptIncomingCall(behavior) Accepts an incoming call and sets the device into call state.
hold() Sets the current call on hold.
resume() Resumes the current call when on hold.